Friday, January 17, 2025

The Disappearance of Thomas F. Halcomb

Filmed on location.


1920 U.S. Census

1930 U.S. Census

File: Redding, California, 1930 Census Enumeration District Maps. Source: Wikimapia.

Community Is Searched for Missing Boy - The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, July 6, 1932
Halcomb Youth Still Missing After 2 Days - The Courier-Free Press newspaper of Redding, July 6, 1932

Redding Plane Crash Kills Three - The Shasta Courier newspaper of Shasta, July 7, 1932

The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, July 7, 1932

Young Halcomb Believed Seen Wednesday P.M. -  The Courier-Free Press newspaper of Redding, July 7, 1932

Structural Defect Was Not Cause of Accident to Plane - Inspector - The Courier Free Press newspaper of Redding, July 8, 1932

George Halcomb, Wife, O.A. Rose Die in Air Crash - The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, July 8, 1932

Reports Halcomb Youth Found Without Ground - The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, July 8, 1932

Searchers For Missing Youth Die in Plunge - The Santa Cruz Sentinel newspaper of Sant Cruz, July 8, 1932

Three Victims of Plane Crash - The Madera Tribune newspaper of Madera, July 8, 1932

Three Die in Plane Crash at Redding - The Tulare Daily Times newspaper of Tulare, July 8, 1932

The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, July 9, 1932

Halcomb Is Continued Monday - The Courier Free Press newspaper of Redding, July 11, 1932

Search Still Being Pushed for Missing Boy; Reported Seen - The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, July 12, 1932

Halcomb Estate Comprises $4,000 Insurance Policy - The Courier-Free Press newspaper of Redding, July 13, 1932

The Courier-Free Press newspaper of Redding, July 14, 1932

$100 Reward for Finding Halcomb - The Courier-Free Press newspaper of Redding, July 16, 1932

Reward Spurs Search for Boy - The Bee News Bureau newspaper of Sacramento, July 18, 1932

Statewide Appeal Made in Boy Hunt - The Courier-Free Press newspaper of Redding, July 19, 1932

Plane Victims’ Estates Are Probated - The Courier-Free Press newspaper of Redding, July 22, 1932

Grandparents May Contest Custody of Halcomb Baby - The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, July 23, 1932

Halcomb Youth - The Courier-Free Press newspaper of Redding, August 12, 1932

Contest Over Halcomb Youth - The Courier-Free Press newspaper of Redding, August 29, 1932

Hearing on Contest Over Halcomb Boy Is Continued in Two Weeks - The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, August 30, 1932

Halcomb Boy’s Body Believed Found in River - The Colusa Herald newspaper of Colusa, September 22, 1932

Amos Halcomb Named Guardian of Grandson - The Courier-Free Press newspaper of Redding, September 26, 1932

Thomas Halcomb's Body Is Found - The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, February 26, 1933

Halcomb Boy’s Body Is Found in Oregon Gulch - The Courier Free Press newspaper of Redding, February 27, 1933 

Funeral Services to Be Held Today for Halcomb Boy - The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, February 28, 1933

Card of Thanks - The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, March 2, 1933

Halcomb Action Over Insurance to Start Today - The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, October 3, 1933

The Courier Free Press newspaper of Redding, October 4, 1933

Jury Holds Rose Made Contract to Carry Halcomb's on Fatal Journey - The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, October 5, 1933

Correction Made - The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, October 5, 1933

Thomas F Halcomb in the California, U.S., Death Index, 1905-1939

The Searchlight newspaper of Redding, April 7, 1940

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